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Rat Water Bottle hacks

Mastering the Art of Keeping Your Rat's Water Bottle Clean and Functional Water bottles might appear straightforward, but for rat...

Rat Mites

Pets can succumb to parasites, the most well known examples of pet parasites are fleas and ticks. Rats are also susceptible to mites and...

Where to Get Pet Rats (Good vs. Bad)

What's an ethical rat breeder? Is there a difference between rats you get at a pet store and from a breeder? Are all breeders created...

Potty Training Rats

Did you know that you can potty train your rats? Rats are very intelligent and it is easy to teach them to go in a litter box! The...

Choosing Your Rats

Fancy rats are excellent pets for children and adults alike. They are highly intelligent, clean, and sociable. 🐄 First find a good...

Enrichment for Rats

Rats are fossorial animals. In the wild, they dig and live underground. They forage for their food and water, burning their...

Why Adopt at least 2 rats

Why can't I just get one rat? Rats are sociable living in colonies in the wild, and no matter how long you plan to keep them out of their...

Daily Free Roaming Rats

Rats have a lot of energy (mental and physical) that cannot be burned in a cage. They need a daily break from their cage for enrichment,...

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